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Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee Chairman Wayne P. DeAngelo today announced the 4th Annual Utility Job and Career Fair to be held in partnership with the New Jersey Utilities Association (NJUA), the statewide association for investor-owned utilities. Every year that the Career Fair has been held, more than 100 job seekers have attended to speak with representatives of energy, gas, water, and other utility companies accept resumes, answer questions and provide information about a wide-range of career opportunities and related educational programs DeAngelo said that it continues to be important to host this industry specific career fair as the "baby boomer" generation is gearing up for retirement. It is estimated that almost 55 percent of the electric and natural gas public utility workforce across the country may need to be regenerated in the next ten years. "New Jersey relies heavily every day on our critical utility infrastructure. To meet the consumer demand, we need to educate, train and employ the best individuals in all sectors of utility industries," said DeAngelo (D-Hamilton). "There are a wide-range of career opportunities in various industries that we need help to modernize, build and improve the infrastructure necessary to our state's economy. Each year, the talented individuals participate in the Career Fair, and we expect a similar crowd of workers looking to connect with potential employers." The 4th Annual Utility Job and Career Fair will be held on Monday, October 15 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Conference Center at Mercer, located at Mercer County Community College 1200 Old Trenton Road in West Windsor. The free event is open to all members of the public seeking to connect with the state's leading companies in the water, energy and telecommunications industries. Participating NJUA member companies include PSE&G, Atlantic City Electric, New Jersey Aqua, American Water, Elizabethtown Gas, South Jersey Industries, SUEZ, Jersey Central Power & Light, New Jersey Resources, South Jersey Gas, and Middlesex Water. Additional participating companies are: representatives of the New Jersey County College Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development, the Mercer County One Stop Career Center, IBEW and the Plumbers and Pipefitters union also will be on-hand to talk about programs to help job seekers. For more information or to register for this free Career Fair, please contact Assemblyman DeAngelo's office at or (609) 631-7501.

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