Lagana & DeAngelo Bill to Boost Jobs, Workforce Training For Military Veterans in STEM Fields Cl
Conaway, Houghtaling, Quijano, Giblin & DeAngelo Bill to Improve Delivery of EMS Services in NJ
Kennedy, DeAngelo, Vainieri Huttle & Benson Bill to Prohibit Cable, Cell Phone Companies from Ch
Vainieri Huttle & DeAngelo Bill to Establish "Art in Storefronts" Initiative to Help I
Mazzeo, DeAngelo Bill Creating Registry to Highlight 9/11 Memorials throughout New Jersey Passes Ass
Benson, DeAngelo & Muoio Measure to Ensure Job Security for Organ Donors Clears Assembly Committ
Assembly Panel Advances Singleton, Vainieri Huttle & DeAngelo Bill Allowing Domestic Violence Vi
DeAngelo Measure to Promote Good Conduct at Youth Sporting Events Clears Assembly Committee
DeAngelo, Danielsen, Holley, Houghtaling & Downey Bill to Ensure Timely Decisions on Unemploymen
Downey, Lampitt, Schaer, Houghtaling, Benson, Singleton, Muoio & DeAngelo Bill to Promote Equal